Vol. 12 Nro. 22. Enero - Junio 2018
Wilfredo José Rafael Illas Ramírez
The being projected in different positions in natural and social environment from aristotelian principles
Almin Ramírez
Virtual learning objects: a technological mediation for construction of university mathematical learning
José Gregorio Alonso Hernández y José Orlando Gómez B.
Use of Canaima educative resource for learning construction in first grade of basic education
Rosa Amaya, Zoila Amaya y Ruth Vargas
Emotional intelligence: onto-perception from eco-social development
Nanci Barrios, Evelyn Bolívar y Adriana Guzmán
Computerized educational material on the noun phrases for english reading comprehension
Víctor Alfonso Carrillo y Zulayma Sanabria Guerra
Educational software for teaching rationalism
José Gregorio Coronel Urbano
The educational manager roles in the organizational culture
Cristian Iván Pillajo Vásquez
Knowledge management strategies for effective teacher-student participation through E-PLATINT virtual environment of teaching learning
Doris M. Pascoal G.
Reading 2.0: Comprehensive reading in virtual learning environments
Evelyn Cristina Arreaza Páez
Storytelling: a tool for the development of listening and speaking skills
Evisol Farías e Ibis Farías
Community-school integration through citizen participation in U.E. “Batalla de Vigirima”
Yennyfer Figuera, Luz Marina González y Helys Terán
Didactic procedures for teaching mathematics in primary education in the Educational Unit Barrera
Yenedith García, Aura Torrealba Y Alejandro Contreras
Lived experience interpretation in the formation of griod-socioanthropology and world-of-life researchers of the guidance Department at FaCE UC
Vivian González G., Alejandro Moreno O. y Alejandro Rodríguez
Problems in teaching and learning geometry in secondary education
Fabiola Guerrero e Ivania Pérez
Innovative strategies for strengthening the technological educational skills in the use of virtual learning environments
Jayniline Acosta Rendon
Epistemic conceptions of education mathematics master students of the Faculty of Education Sciences in the construction of theoretical speech
José López
Perspective of teacher leadership linked to the Community and Family Program, Valencia, State of Carabobo
Karen Bianchi
Teaching and learning of waves and optics from connectivism
Kelly Bravo y María Ferreira
Findings of a holistic research on teacher training, contributions to the free chair supporting inclusive education
Fabiola Lozada H. y Elisabel Rubiano A.
Trends in postgraduate knowledge production of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Carabobo 2014-2016
Manuel A. Gil F.
Construction of achievements indicators of the statistical chair based on Alpha Tuning project competencies
Marco A. Mariña R. y Rossana Rodríguez V.
Errors in learning mathematics from Radatz taxonomy
Liliana Mayorga
An educational experience for teachers of english graduated on different knowledge areas in an on-line and in-class balanced environment
Melba F. Noguera de Sánchez, Mary Silva y Blanca Araujo
Ethnographic design of biology teachers training in their educational praxis
Rosmary Namías
Axiological positions of the dentist facing professional ethical dilemmas
Jesmar Orozco Labrador y María Elena Labrador
Promotion of entrepreneurship attitudes in general high school education students
Otoniel Aguilar
Compendium of teaching strategies for the scientific research work unit in fifth year students in Liceo “Antonio Herrera Toro”
Mary Peña y Zuleyka Rivas
Investigative skills in IUPMA Tutoring I students to develop the final research work for masters’ degree of technical education
Roselia Silva y Zonia Martel
Virtual community for the national training program of Carabobo State Police School
María Tirano
The Afro-Caribbean negritude and anti-colonial resistance in Aimé Cesáire’s poetry
Christian R. Farías A.
Rebuilding Barrio Libertad (motherland) history through its inhabitants collective memories
Idais RodríguezZ
University social and educational reality from onto-episteme according to knowledge management
Luis Guanipa
Femicide / feminicide: new criminal type of violence against women in venezuelan legislations
Carlina Fernández y José Mendoza
Knowledge obsolescence or expiration of the academic and scientific production
Mileydys Nieves y Cirilo Orozco
Historical - epistemological - educational analysis about the conical sections
Yaritza Pérez
Capitalist crisis and cultural configurations
Paula Pirela y Luis DelgadoG
Vision of the educative process in Carabobo judicial confinement
Norelyn Suárez, Yainy Sánchez y Areida González
The role of the school in the development of resilience and education with gender vision
Zulay Burgos Rodríguez
Business strategies as mechanisms for the sustainable and sustainable development of tourism. Canton Penipe, province of Chimborazo
Franqui Fernando Esparza Paz, Ángel Lenin Silvers Peñafiel y Milton Gustavo Vaca Rodríguez
Accounting and processing of accounting information
Ximena Minshely Guillin Llanos y Nuvia Aurora Zambrano Barros
The Value Added Tax and its fiscal collection of Ecuador during the period 2014-2016 against the countries of the Andean Community
Marcia Esther Jarrín Salcány Yolanda María Laines Álvarez
The social responsibility of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Ibagué-Espinal, in the face of the competitiveness of microentrepreneurs in the region
Ernesto Tulio Cardona Aguirre y Naydu Álvarez Giraldo
Economic contribution to the Island Santay (Ecuador) from the hiker who makes community tourism
Suleen Diaz-Christiansen, Annabelle Figueroa Lizarzaburu y Otto Aurelio Delgado Montero
Conceptual approximations of environmental assets within the framework of the knowledge economy
Hanna Marietta Orjuela Artunduaga, Laura Constanza Gallego Cossio y Ludivia Hernández Aros
Portfolio of entrepreneurship of the popular and solidary economy: A bet from the academy
Juan Bautista Solis Muñoz, Jorge Ormaza Andrade, MBA, Juan Diego Ochoa y Florencio Iván García Álvarez
Teacher visibility as support to increase the ranking of the e-university
Ariana Daniela Del Pino Espinoza y Nuria Lloret Romero
Organizational culture in the development of productivity in bodybuilding companies
Omar Damián Cavero Álvarez, Medardo Andrés Paredes Núñez y Ángela Verónica Paredes Núñez
Associativity and corporate social responsibility: collaborative gender leadership approach
Mónica del Carmen Vargas Jiménez y Kerly Guillermina Vargas Jiménez
Informal trade and its impact on the economy of the Quevedo canton, year 2017
Jhon Alejandro Boza Valle
Unemployment and its socioeconomic incidence in the population of Quevedo, 2017 period
Laura Eugenia Tachong Alencastro

Evaluation of the level of satisfaction of the social management of knowledge (GSC) of the University of Guayaquil

Lenín Mendieta Toledo, Teresa Vargas Cevallos, Roosevelt Barros e Hilda Flor Páez
Gastronomic heritage: aged cheese route in Zacazonapan
Rebeca Osorio, Rocío Serrano y Galo Echeverría
Comparative study of leadership models for an efficient and ethical management of social responsibility: authentic leadership, the response to the search
José Andrés Cortés Valiente y Ernesto Flores Córdova
Investment in electricity sector projects and their impact on Ecuado public debt, period (2000-2015)
Eduardo Zurita y María González
Evolution of the international economy and impacts for Ecuador in 2017
Alfonso Rafael Casanova Montero y Ismael Zuaznabar Morales
Swimming in the resistance of young people of the Club atlantis of the city of Ambato of the province of Tungurahua
Jorge Washington Jordán Sánchez, Edilita Ivonne Espinoza Álvarez y Alexis Israel Vasconez Espín
Research in the framework of higher education: valuation of university teacher competencies
Magda Cejas Martínez y Max David Olivares

Tax planning as a financial management tool. Case study: aquaculture production SMES

Roberto Subía Veloz, Milca Orellana y Blanca Baldeón

Popular economic solidarity organization for cocoa collection centers of the Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno canton (JUJAN)

Roberto Gómez Arteta, Isabel Mero Villamar y Martha Aspiazu Espinosa
Digital libraries as tools to encourage the development of reading and research skills in higher education students
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