Vol. 12 Nro. 23. Julio - Diciembre 2018
Flor Elena Morales Sosa
University research in Venezuela: its understanding in key to a scientific quality with social relevance and impact
Oscar J. Rodríguez. Universidad Politécnica Territorial del estado Barinas José Félix Ribas (UPT JFR). Barinas, Venezuela
Integral holonic vision of the entheogenic experience with Yagé or Ayahuasca. Holarchy charted from the Urban tribes called yageceros/ayaguasqueros
Susana Gómez Olivares. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Psychoneurological processes: preeminent factors for effective evaluation in the preschool child
Nancy Peñaloza. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela. Mirba Baptista. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Maracay, Venezuela. Omaira Quintana. Universidad Fermín Toro. Distrito Capital, Venezuela.
“The honey of reading” a colective building experience about the teacher´s role as a reading promotor
Yleana Gómez. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
The technological interactions plot in the distance education system of the Open National University
Rosa Belén Pérez Oliveros. Universidad Nacional Abierta, Centro local Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
The art of education and education through art from the teacher's experience
Ramona Josefina Bolívar Calderón. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Maracay, Venezuela. Luisa Margarita Martínez Perdigón. Instituto Pedagógico Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara. Maracay, Venezuela
Transformational experiences toward a curricular design by competences in the mention integral education of the FaCE Carabobo University
Giovanni Antonio Amador. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Literacy in the curriculums of initial education and the first grade of primary
María Elena Maninat Maduro. Universidad Nacional Abierta. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Is it possible to take sustainable development as the balancing factor in social inequalities?
Karen Dayana Bustamante Piña. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Bioethical aspects of the use of experimental animals in scientific research: legislation and animal bioethics committees
Yalitza Aular. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
The cross-educational axes of education. Foundations of health and good living?
Álvaro Ruiz Curcho. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Bioethical aspects in the formulation of gasolines
Víctor Guanipa Q. Universidad de Carabobo, Facultad de Ingeniería. Valencia, Venezuela
Need for ecopedagogy as an alternative strategy for the incentive of an environmental awareness
Karina Luna y Jesús García. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Strategies to fortify values for living together in classroom
Rhadis García de García e Iris Coromoto Camacho de Arao. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Language skills for the analysis and understanding of scientific texts
Elizabeth Hernández y Raimary Rodríguez. Instituto Pedagógico Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara. UPEL. Maracay, Venezuela
Possible influence of aesthetics in citizenship education
Rossanna Edith Chacón Santana. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Maracay, Venezuela
Motivation to reading in children through the interpretation of venezuelan songs
Yaletzi Velásquez y Sergio Alejandro Guánchez. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Triad theoretical embedded in neuropsychoeducation valuation for cognitive - emotional skills in light of complexity
Rosabel Cardozo. Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez. Apure, Venezuela
Phenomenological interpretation of mediation from a university perspective as a means of conflict resolution
Ginoid Franco, Paola Lamenta y Luis Lozada. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Academy, methodology and research. Analysis of the speech written in two advancement works of the UPEL Maracay
Alkys Lamas. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Maracay, Venezuela
Effects of a psychotherapeutic program based on psychoneuroimmunology to reduce depression and anxiety in patients with breast cancer
Carmen Cecilia Varón Andrade. Universidad Arturo Venezuela. Valencia, Venezuela
Inclusion of people with disabilities in university education. IUT case study - Puerto Cabello
María D´ Jesús Urbina Gutiérrez. Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Puerto Cabello (IUTPC). Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
Educational program to promote environment conservation in students of the 6th grade of the U.E.B. "Mercedes Santana" Valencia Carabobo state
Miguel Hernández, Alexis Pérez y Jesús Sira. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Evaluation model of community councils
Jennys Andrea. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Methodology and methodical a researching experience of fifth level
Mónica Valencia Bolaños y Minerlines Racamonde. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Comparative analysis of two models of learning: master and software for the calculation of comprehensive mathematics II
Carlos Ribeiro, Nelson Fernández y Reny Marín.
Universidad de Carabobo. Facultad de Ingeniería. Valencia, Venezuela
E-learning platform as a tool to support technology presentiality content limit in calculating the course I
Javier Brizuela. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Labor identities vs social behavior developed by education students. Antagonistic motivations
María Auxiliadora González Rivas y Marioxy Ramírez. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Integral interpretative model of the andragogic theory for the training of teachers in performance
Miriam Rubio. Universidad Nacional Experimental “Simón Rodríguez”. Distrito Capital, Venezuela
Focus contextualized of the venezuelan public administration, management and internal social responsibility
Rafael A. López y Venus Guevara de Rojas. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Burnout syndrome, disorder enablers factors professionals media education
Belkis Gerónima Bermúdez Sánchez. Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez. Maracay, Venezuela
Environmental education in the university context. Reflections from teacher’s perception
Francisco Pérez y Ana Urbano. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Environmental law: a process of educational transformation
Jesús Rafael Montaner Riera. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Communication for development. The social communicator as educational integrator in science technology and society
José Alexander Castellanos López. Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta. Venezuela
Neuroeducation from childhood
Jeanette Alezones, Rosa María Tovar y Ana Karina Arenas. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Resiliency a tool for quality of life
Magaly Solmar Ortunio y Harold W. Guevara. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Teach bioethics to scientists… or educate scientists with bioethics?
Yadirna Omaña Quero. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Bioethic culture and research in university education
Xiomara Camargo Martínez. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
The promotion of the anglo-caribbean literature through the review gender in the press of Trinidad and Tobago
Mirih Berbin. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Epistemological filters and multirefenciality
Aleida Aular. Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela
Descargue Volumen 12, Número 23. Julio - Diciembre 2018 Completo