Wilfredo José Rafael Illas Ramírez |
Installation of a cyber as a connection project with the community of Espíritu Santo University in Puerto Engabao-Ecuador
Vilma Karina Álvarez Intriago |
Microloans from “En las Huellas del Banco Grameen” and their Impact on the Socioeconomic Development of Women in the Outskirts of the City of Loja, 2013-2016
Víctor Eduardo Chininín Campoverde, María Isabel Ordóñez Hernández, Gabriela León y
Eduardo Martínez |
Rural development from a gender perspective: role and importance of women’s participation in Ecuador
Wendy Tamara Mora Carpio, Sayonara Elizabeth Morejón Calixto y Diana Paola Solórzano Martínez |
Environmental practices in Ecuadorian SMEs
Andreina Inés González Ordóñez |
Flexible hiring strategies and their influence on organizational commitment
Isabel Cristina Ortegón Guzmán, Julián Ricardo Rodríguez Cortes, Edgar Andrés Andrade Leyton y Meiby Manrique Villanueva |
Systematization of experiences in the design and implementation of ludotecas
Ana Isabel Márquez Rojas |
Types of errors stated in the resolution of linear equations systems by 5th. year students, U.E. 12 October
Einys Fernández, Alejandro Contreras y Celsa Álvarez |
Integral diagnostic evaluation and contextualized for students with low vision. Considerations for teacher training
Indira Figueroa Agreda |
Initiation in pedagogical mediation: an observation experience for children drawing
Marina García Rozo |
Proposal of indicators for a tourism observatory focused on the provinces of some areas of Ecuador
Diego Fabricio Brazales Herrera, Mayra Fernanda Quiñónez Bedón y Juan Gabriel Tapia Pazmiño |
Positioning of the Marks: a commercial and affective look
Wilson FabiánTrávez Moreno |
Sustainable management model for small and medium-sized ecotourism companies in the canton of Pedernales
Diana Patricia Gallardo Dueñas |
Methodology for learning the automatic control of the binary distillation process, making use of MATLAB® and Moodle
José Leonardo Benavides Maldonado, Diógenes Manuel de Jesús Bustan Jaramillo y José Francisco Ochoa Alfaro |
Net profit and profitability of the distribution channels of agricultural products in the parish of Malacatos, Canton and province of Loja
Víctor Eduardo Chininín Campoverde, María Isabel Ordóñez Hernández y Ricardo Miguel Luna Torres |
Incidence of the level of salaries in the labor climate of the Institutes of Higher Education in Quito
Vicente Marlon Villa Villa, Ximena Jeanneth Zúñiga García y Rodrigo Enrique Velarde Flores |
Management of the “Know Your Employee” Policy in the context of prevention of money laundering and financing of crimes including terrorism
Karina Johanna Iza López |
Higher Education with integral pedagogical approaches and learning environments
Alba Jacqueline Avilés Salazar, Jeanette Marlene Coello Pisco y Adriana Gardenia Viteri Prieto |
Creation of a consultancy, training and promotion center for the enterprises in the canton El Tambo, 2017-2019
Ana Luisa Del Rocío Ordóñez Laso y Nelly Concepción Luzuriaga Torres |
Main barriers for the development of family enterprises in the Quevedo Canton, province of Los Ríos
Emma Yolanda Mendoza, Jhon Alejandro Boza y Laura Eugenia Tachong |
The management of human capital in the business sector in Ecuador
Marilin Vanessa Albarrasin Reinoso, Mayra Elizeth Valencia Neto y Gloria Evelina Pazmiño Cano |
The legal mediation for the decrease of conflicts in the family and socio-educational scope
Magdalena Del Carmen Rivera Burgos y Ana del Rosario Medina Terán |
Human Talent Management: A focus on skills and knowledge
Lizbeth Ximena Suárez Morales y Germán Narváez |
Immobilization and environmental impact of heavy metals from hazardous waste incinerates
María Paulina Poma Copa y Héctor Andrés Torres Alta |
Social and ecological system: the case of the lake of Papallacta. Napo Ecuador
Edisson Armando Tarupí Montenegro |
The measures of integral reparation in the crimes of sexual violation of children and adolescents and the principle of the best interests of the child in Ecuador
Giovanna Fernanda Vinueza y Frantz Villamarín |
Reflection on the history and evolution of accounting science
Cristina Cervantes Intriago, Paola Samaniego García y Verónica Aguilar Quiñonez |
Program of cognitive teaching strategies in pedagogical recovery
Lenín Mendieta Toledo y Teresa Vargas Cevallos |
Contradiction to official discourse. Case: inclusive dynamic catalog in the provinces of Cañar, Azuay and Morona Santiago
Juan Bautista Solis Muñoz , Narciza Azucena Reyes Cárdenas y Lessi Vanessa Giler Escandón |
Effect of a jump rope program in the development of explosive force |
Susana Paz-Viteri, Vinicio Sandoval y Edda Lorenzo-Bertheau |
The management of human talent as a strategy of competitiveness in the MSMEs of the city of Machala
Tania Patricia Alaña Castillo |
Habits and consumer preferences for food and beverages prepared in restaurants
Carolina de los Ángeles Uzcátegui Sánchez, María José Pérez Espinoza, Ángel Alberto Zambrano Morales y Jessi Mariuxi Morocho Espinoza |
Methods for the accounting valuation of biological assets
Leandro Fabián Gallegos Gallegos |
A methodological alternative for teaching infinite analysis. Case: application of the Maxima software in the subject of differential and integral calculus, as a didactic resource to improve the academic performance of the first level students of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE-Extension Latacunga
Paola Proaño y Fabricio Trujillo |
Study of Relevance of the tourism race in the Province of Orellana
Marco Toledo Villacís y Ángel Cunalata García |
Corporate social responsibility as a successful marketing strategy
Johanna Pérez Jaramillo, Graciela Urgiles Carabajo y Rodrigo Medina Villavicencio |
Efficacy of the oral system in the trial of extraordinary prescription acquisition of domain in the Canton La Troncal
Dayse Guadalupe Villa Valverde, Julio César Gárate Amoroso y Luis Ernesto Quinde Quizhpi |
Tools enterprice resource planning open source for producers of the community of Salinerito
Marco Suriaga Sánchez, Edwin Ramón Lucero Espinoza y Miguel Mauricio Cueva Estrada |
The stress, “enemy that kills silently”: A reflective vision from the labor context
Johanna Pérez Jaramillo, Jorge Arce Cabrera y Jorge Salgado Insuaste |
Accounting system to improve the financial processes of merchandise to the micro traders of the Chone Passage San Cayetano |
Susy Toala Mendoza, Karina Arteaga Muñoz y Arturo Álava Intriago |
Analysis of the multipart trade agreement between Ecuador and the European Union and its possible impacts on the agricultural sector of the province of Imbabura
Roberto Tadeo Tadeo, Edison Vinueza Salazar y Sergio Eduardo Machado |
Facial recognition in sub-spaces: linear and non-linear, face data bases and support vector machine
José Augusto Cadena Moreanoa, Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla, Manuel William Villa Quishpe, Juan Carlos Chancúsig Chisag y Oscar Alejandro Guaypatín Pico |
Technological didactic guide for the meaningful learning of mathematics
Digna Rocío Mejía Caguana, Geovanny Javier León Chonillo y Ruth Alexandra Vega Tomalá |
Teacher tools to teach automatic control through copper trituration practices
José Leonardo Benavides Maldonado, Gonzalo Ramiro Riofrío Cruz y Diego Eduardo Jara Delgado |
The leadership, its contribution to business competitiveness
Otmara Navarro Silva |
Situational analysis of competitiveness in Ecuador: information systems as an improvement tool
Vismar Gonzalo Flores Tabara y Jessi Mariuxi Morocho Espinoza |
Learning difficulties or learning disorders school: dyslexia
Claudia Santacruz |
Cultural tourist route anchored to the Liberator Simón Bolívar. Case: Loja, Cuenca, Azogues and Cañar
Marco Eugenio Vicuña Domínguez, Juan Bautista Solis Muñoz, Lesi Vanessa Giler Escandón y Mercedes Lucía Neira Neira |
The dynamics of groups, an intra and interpersonal encounter in human relations
Alida Malpica y Ada Dugarte |
Research training culture as an alternative to university education
Gaudis Mora |
Praxis educational alternative in the national prison system
Joan Carmona |
Ethnography: a social practice research in the human sciences
Luisa Rojas |
Criminal infringements and the right to defense in ecuadorian legislation
Luis Mariano Vallejo Vallejo y María Dolores Vallejo Peñafiel |
The facilitator and the participant in the praxis and andragogic evaluation in the modality of distance education
Alexandra I. García O. y Alejandro Rodríguez G. |
The research led of the hand towards the necessary bioethic culture: current panorama
Nubia Teresa Brito Martínez |
School violence in educational context venezolano a vision phenomenological
Evelin Deyanira Rodríguez de Benítez |
Two Helenas in two times, from a hermeneutical approach
Flor Gallego Delima |
Application of tiflotechnology for the teaching of elementary arithmetic in students with total or partial visual dysfunction
Génesis Morales, Patricia Viloria y Aligraciela Bolívar |
Epistemological approach to mathematics
Iliana Y. Rodríguez |
Learning by doing in virtually: redefining education, pedagogy and didactics for the digital environment
José Boada Lugo |
Everyday from the educational reflection
Lorena Linares |
Sexual diversity and educational policies, an urgent debate in Venezuela
María Báez |
Descargue Volumen 12, Número 22. Edición Especial. Año 2018 Completo |