Vol. 13 Nro. 25. Julio - Diciembre 2019
Flor Elena Morales Sosa (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Management of the Moodle platform for the consolidation of built-in learning in the nursing subject in community health I
Scarlette J. Rodríguez Suárez (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Experiences of university preparers around the planning of their academic practice
José Jesús Rodríguez Faría (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Management praxis - supervisor empowering human development
Alirian Alexandra Rodríguez Alfonso (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Competences of the university teacher to manage the investigation
Alirio Alejandro Tua García (Centro de Investigaciones Psiquiátricas, Psicológicas y Sexológicas de Venezuela. Valencia, Venezuela)
Health from the perspective of personal beliefs
Alida Coromoto Malpica Maldonado (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Construction of competences for the reading process in the instrumental spanish curricular unit of the FaCE-UC
Jorge Enrique Mariña (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Perspective of reading from the point of view of the investigation process of the dentistry student
Gracieli R Galea S. (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela) y José F. Barreto C (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Influence of school conflict on learning issues
Aleida Arias Rojas (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia), Alexandra Cadena Rodríguez (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia) y Nelsy Arias Rojas (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia)
Research structures: generative episteme for internationalization in the educational investigation program
Ginoid Franco (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela), Petra Grand (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela) y Brígida Ginoid Sánchez de Franco (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Impact of transforming leadership in the management of human capital of institutions of higher education
María Auxiliadora Arenas González (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Rizomatic visions of cultural heritage in transmodernity as a symbol of identity
Milagros Elena Rodríguez (Universidad de Oriente. Cumaná, Venezuela)
The human movement in the conceptual conflict of the object of knowledge of physical education
José Hansel Herrera Lozada (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
White voices for inclusion: a vision of the sense of coexistence and peace from the practice of children's choral practice
Hugo L. Jiménez P (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Relevance of didactics in significant learning and educational quality from a trans- complex vision
Omaira Timúdez (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Transdisciplinary dialogues: historical-pedagogical anthropology and reception theory
Christian Hernández Rodríguez (Universidad de San Buenaventura. Cali, Colombia) y Marlene Arteaga Quintero (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Miranda, Venezuela)
The methodological sensus of discourse analysis in social sciences research
Yilmar Campbell (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Data in science from its original conception to the current: an epistemological contribution to teaching
Julia L. Flores Espejo (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Distrito Capital, Venezuela)
The relevance of being a farmer from rural education: a structural problem of the educational system
Juan Ramón Hidalgo Valderrama (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Bruzual, Venezuela)
Myths and legends: what oral to written
Marisela Jiménez Robayna (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela) y María Concepción Sánchez Ramos (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Community teacher in unconventional spaces identity and sense of their socio-personal and professional dynamics
Elisabel Rubiano (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
A reflective look at the curriculum as a center of educational work, from the prism of transcomplex thought. Case: Curricular transformation by competence of the University of Carabobo
Oswaldo José Noguera Gotopo (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Cosmovision of emotions in the daily life of university teaching
Xiomara M Pacheco Balza (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Efectos de las relaciones de poder en la evaluación de los aprendizajes
Effects of power relations on learning assessment
Efraín Eduardo Camacho Hernández (Ministerio del Poder Popular para Educación. Valencia. Venezuela)
Training of the venezuelan middle school monitor in communication
Fanny R. Martínez Díaz (Unidad Educativa Fernando Peñalver. Valencia, Venezuela)
Teaching attitude towards the use of computerized statistics, in the processing of educational data
Néstor Martínez (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela), Mariana Ávila (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela) y Diamary Rodríguez (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
Phenomenological-complex vision of death in relatives of critically Ill patients
César Franco Sánchez (Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela)
The myth, a necessary experience: reflections between science, religion and literature
Andrés Leal Gil (Universidad del Tolima. Ibagué. Colombia) y Helen Hernández Páez (Universidad del Tolima. Ibagué. Colombia)
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